What We Can Do For You


This service begins with an initial meeting to review all aspects of the clients’ financial and personal profile. Topics discussed include:

• assets and liabilities
• income, cash flow and taxes
• estate planning strategies, gifting and insurance alternatives
• education for children and/or grandchildren
• retirement planning
• care of parents and inheritances
• investment strategies, selection and monitoring
• any other issues, concerns, or objectives affecting the clients

A subsequent meeting will deal with recommendations developed after review of the clients’ data. This will include a presentation of strategies and implementation methods to help accomplish the recommendations. Annual reviews or more frequent meetings, if required, are conducted to analyze progress towards the goals and objectives or to revise them as necessary.


We analyze the clients’ projected tax liabilities and recommend specific actions that can help improve their tax situation. This can result in putting tax dollars to work building equity. We also consider methods to shift taxable income to sources that can be received in a nontaxable or less taxable manner or that generate tax-deferred income. Tax services are offered through Tripp Financial Consultants, Inc. and are not offered through Raymond James.


The cost of educating children has become a major consideration for parents. We develop approaches to meet these costs at the appropriate time through systematic savings and investment programs. Such programs, started at an early age, can significantly reduce the burden that rising education costs represent.


We assist in setting financial goals for retirement and determining a specific program of saving and investment to meet those goals. Financial independence is possibly the most pervasive of all topics.


This is perhaps the area least understood and most commonly ignored by prospective clients. That is unfortunate because estate taxes can take an enormous bite out of assets destined for their heirs. All too often, individuals focus on estate building and do not consider the important aspect of disposition of the assets. The lack of planning or improper planning can lead to substantial loss of principal to estate taxes. We advise clients on the methods available to position assets or utilize insurance to provide for the most beneficial approach to estate planning.